Instructor: Costanza
Date: Sunday February 16th, 1:00-3:30pm
Location: Black Moth 1142 S. Harvard Ave.
Learn how to properly rehydrate, restore, and prepare a dried butterfly specimen over
the course of this one-and-a-half hour insect pinning class. The practical portion of the event will be prefaced with a brief presentation on the butterfly life cycle, their ecological importance, and conservation measures. Each attendee will also be provided with instructional handouts and a clear display case to take their specimen home in.
*All specimens used in this course are ethically and sustainably sourced.
Specimens (65-80 mm each)
-Pachliopta Aristolochiae
-Graphium Policenes
-Graphium Empedovana
-Papilio Demoleus
-Graphium Sarpedon
Presentation Overview:
-Intro to Lepidoptera: Butterflies vs. moths, the butterfly life cycle
-Interesting facts: mimicry, gynandromorphy, structural color
-Ecological significance
-Ethical collecting and documentation
-Repairing damaged specimens
-What to do and what NOT to do: gardening for butterflies vs. “raise and release”
Ticket is for one person only, we do not have extra space in the shop. Classes are 16+ unless otherwise specified. Please call to obtain special permission for kids, if they really want to learn, we would love to have them!
If you are unable to attend a class due to a scheduling conflict, a refund will be issued with a minimum 48 hour notice. This notice provides us time to fill your seat. Anything outside of a 48 hour notice will not be issued a refund. Thank you for respecting our class policy! A lot of work and time goes into these classes.