Art Market Vendor FAQ

  • When/where? Saturday, September 23rd 9:00am-4:00pm at Black Moth on 1142 S Harvard Ave. The event will be in our parking lot & Michael Brother’s hair salon to our South. This is an outside event that will happen rain or shine!

  • What size is this event? In 2022, we had over 60 vendors, two food trucks and hundreds and hundreds of people come through- getting an actual count of foot traffic was impossible. We are expecting this year to be even bigger and better- if you vend at this event, bring product to restock throughout the day.

  • How big are booth spaces? 10x10- we require vendors to set-up a 10x10 tent incase of inclement weather.

  • Suggestions to bring: table/chair, something to weigh down your tent (sandbags, cinder blocks, duct tape) water/food (food trucks will be here but last year they sold out early in the day!), product of varying price points, business cards/promotional material.

  • How much is the vendor fee/when do I need to pay my vendor fee? The vendor fee is $45 and should be paid upon acceptance- vendor fees are nonrefundable.

  • Is electricity or wifi provided? We are unable to provide electricity as this event is in our parking lot. Wifi is also not provided.

  • What am I allowed to sell? We’ve had jewelers, painters, fiber artists, crafters, print-makers- all types of creatives! This is a family event that brings people of all ages and with all interests.

  • Can I share a booth with my friend’s small business? Sure! Just fill out the application with both vendor’s information!

  • How is this event being promoted? Glad you asked! We pull out all the stops to promote this event- regular social media posts, email blasts, in-store signage & promotion, printed flyers, tshirts, press releases to local news and radio stations. We tell anyone and everyone we see from now until September 23rd about the coolest art market in town! We will have fliers available for pick-up at the store for vendors to pass out prior.

Anything we missed? Shoot us an email at