Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Get your buckets and shovels ready because we're heading to Post Oak Creek, a hidden gem for fossil hunting enthusiasts! Nestled in the heart of Texas, this creek is a treasure trove of ancient wonders waiting to be discovered. As you make your way to the creek, you'll be greeted by the breathtaking beauty of nature. Just kidding, it is mainly mosquitoes, overgrown weeds, and trash. No one ever said this was going to be a gorgeous trip to the beach, we are on a mission here people.


Post Oak Creek starts in southern Sherman from the Choctaw Creek and runs North West for about 9.5 miles ending near Gilbert Lake. There are many ways to get down to the creek itself, one of the most popular being the bridge on South Travis Street. Currently there is road work being done but shouldn’t stop you from getting down to the creek. For a gps location I always use Danny’s Paint & Body Shop. These fine gentlemen have let me park here several times with a call in advance. The second location I have used gets a bit dicier. Going North on Elk Street from FM-1417 you will run across some train tracks and a nice bridge looking to your right. I park along the edge of the tracks and make my way down.


Cool, now that we are there, what can you expect? Well, like I said, this fossil hunt isn’t meant to be glamorous. With your eyes peeled and your senses heightened, ignore the bits of trash and start exploring the creek's rocky beds and sandy banks. Every scoop of sand and every turn of a rock holds the possibility of uncovering a piece of the past. Fossilized shark teeth, ancient seashells, and even the occasional dinosaur bone have been found in this hidden treasure trove. I have found fossils so small I need tweezers to pick them up yet shark teeth so big I thought I won the lottery, it is all out there.




If you find yourself down a creek for several hours hunting for fossils you are bound to run into a few live critters! Insects play a vital role in our ecosystem and are not out to get us. Connect with your inner zen and try not to freak out when a spider or two runs across your leg. You will run into plenty of moths, cicadas, and definitely mosquitoes. Be sure to pack bug spray and reapply every few hours.

Wolf Spider

Dog Day Cicada

Bithynia Tentaculata (Freshwater Faucet Snail)

Female Commone Whitetail Dragonfly

Spring Peeper Frog

Joined Underwing Moth

But will I find a fossil!? Unless you look the entire time with your eyes closed, I promise you will find something. I tend to hunt for 7+ hours because I am a crazy person, but for your average explorer I would say you are going to come away with at least 20 shark teeth in a span of 2 hours. Maris, how do you find such small teeth!? My face is down in the rocks, that's how!

Texas Shark Tooth Identification

A lot of times when I go to a new area I have a general idea of what I can find based on my research beforehand. When I get home to identify is when the real party begins. I consult much smarter people than I on websites like

Some links I used for this trip specifically

Shark Centrum (Calcified Cartilage)

Squalicorax Kaupi (Crow Shark)

Parts of Fossilized Mastodon Teeth

Cretalamna Appendiculata (Mackerel Shark)

Cretodus Crassidens (Large Mackerel Shark)

Guitarfish Denticle (Ray Tooth)

Fossilized Bison Tooth

Squalicorax Kaupi (Crow Shark)

Ptychodus Whipplei (Crusher Shark)

Lopha Bellaplicata (Fossilized Bivalve Oyster)

Scapanorhynchus Texsanus (Goblin Shark)

Top: Mosasaur Bone Bottom: Mosasaur Tooth Fragment

Scapanorhynchus Texsanus (Goblin Shark)

Can you spot the tooth?

I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for following along with our content. We appreciate your time, support, and engagement more than words can express. If you haven't already, we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media -Maris, Owner